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诞树(Christmas tree)作文150字

[03-15 18:39:42]   来源:http://www.jxzl8.com  描写树的作文   阅读:9379

概要: Frist : We buy a pine tree first.And then: We erect it.Secondly: We hang with the neon on the pine tree.And then: We hang with a few small ornaments products on the tree.Again then: We readjust oneself to a certain extent with the star in the pine tree top.At last: We readjust oneself to a certain extent low with the gift in the pine tree.Such has made a Christmas tree right away , schoolmates have also tried!

诞树(Christmas tree)作文150字,http://www.jxzl8.com

Frist : We buy a pine tree first.  And then: We erect it.  Secondly: We hang with the neon on the pine tree.  And then: We hang with a few small ornaments products on the tree.  Again then: We readjust oneself to a certain extent with the star in the pine tree top.  At last: We readjust oneself to a certain extent low with the gift in the pine tree.  Such has made a Christmas tree right away , schoolmates have also tried!
标签:描写树的作文写树的作文范文,关于树的作文植物作文 - 描写树的作文

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